Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Advent Calendar 23 December 2009

Today we pray for those who are pregnant in their older age (like Elizabeth): May we as a community, ever mindful of the awe, surprise and mystery of God’s purpose, be a refuge of support.
For those who are filled with fear: May their anxiety yield to trust in God’s saving purpose.
For those parents (in our community) who are awaiting the birth of a child: May they find God’s presence in the wonder of childbirth.
We are celebrating the feast of the Eternal Birth which God the Father has borne and never ceases to bear in all eternity…But if it takes not place in me, what avails it? Everything lies in this, that is should take place in me.
~ Meister Eckhart
You may call God love, your may call God goodness, But the best name for God is compassion.
~ Meister Eckhart

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