Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Sleep Through the Static: Jack Johnson CD

For Christmas this year my brother gave me Jack Johnson’s CD “Sleep Through the Static” which was created 100 percent from solar electricity.
Living on a boat, I am well aware of the energy demands to keep our simple systems operational. In fact, when out cruising, our goal is to remain completely self-sufficient. This past summer, we still depended upon the water system of the Islands to bring water aboard. Our butane stove still uses fuel that we ourselves are not producing. We are eating food someone else has gathered and grown. Yet we strive to live into a more sustainable life-style through leaving the smallest wake possible.
I applaud Jack Johnson not only for the music on his latest CD, but also for using solar power in the production of it. It is all of us taking steps that make a difference in the world around us.
How are you striving to leave a smaller wake?

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