Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Happy Epiphany, everyone. Here are some worship resources I have used in the past for you to use, no matter where Epiphany might find you this year.

The visit of the Magi can be found in the Gospel according to Matthew 2:1-12 (finish the chapter if you want to continue to reflect upon Joseph & the family).

The following is adapted from Peter Scaganelli’s Prayers: Year B, The Epiphany of the Lord:

By the light of a star, O God of the universe, you guided the nations to the Light of the world; in a prophet’s words you revealed the mystery of the Messiah’s coming; through the Magi’s gifts you unfolded the richness of the Savior’s mission. Scatter again the darkness that covers the earth and divides the peoples. Make our hearts thrill anew to see the multitudes carried as sons and daughters in your arms. In Christ and through Christ’s gospel draw the ends of the earth into your family, that disparate cultures and warring nations may be gathered together as one. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Emmanuel, God with us. Amen.

Prayers of the People Lord’s Prayer
We interceded for our needs and those of all nations, upon whom the glory of You, O God, has shone through Christ.
As we pray FOR THE CHURCH where ever it is in the world
For Your holy church, that its light may beckon a rich diversity of peoples to come and be heirs with us, members of the one body of Christ.

And we remember THE WORLD
For nations covered by the clouds of ethnic and racial hatred, that in this new year their hearts may rejoice at the dawn of peace and the flourishing of righteousness.

For children abused or neglected, and parents in difficulty and danger, that the Christian community may offer gifts of care and advocacy, intervention and support.

We hold THE NEEDS OF THE LOCAL COMMUNITY close to our hearts, O God, so we pray:
For all who earnestly seek the face of You, O God, that this community’s faith, hope and love guide them to the revelation of Your grace.

Finally, Lord God, we pray for ourselves, THE CHRISTIAN ASSEMBLY
For this assembly, that we may faithfully offer You, O Christ, the gold of a living faith, the incense of our worship and the myrrh of compassion for others.

Because in Christ we have received the Spirit of adoption, as sons and daughters of God we dare to pray: OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN . . .

Behold the true Light of the World, the Beloved of God, anointed by the Spirit.
Blessed are those who are called to the banquet of the Lamb.

Enlightened by Christ and anointed by the Spirit, go now in peace to love and serve the Lord.

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