Monday, August 5, 2013

Relationship Connections

As the above Gary Larson carton* shows, technology allows us to communicate, sometimes with humorous results. Even though cell phone technology is replacing land lines, missdailing still occurs.

Friendships with in the cruising community can happen quickly. There is already a shared interest in boating, in travel, a shared experience of weather or an anchorage upon which to build. There is often a sense of intensity to some of these relationships: We are together for a relatively short time, then we each move on.  Technology allows us to stay in touch in ways we couldn't before.

It was not that long ago when pulling into an anchorage and remembering the friendships formed in this particular place, one would write a later, wait until one visited a place with a mail service to post the letter. The letter would arrive at the recipient's mail "drop" to be forwarded on, or await for pick up. Sometimes, months later one would realize the other boat was only an island away, and both parties would have missed each other.

Now? Last night we pulled into an anchorage with cell/wifi connection (a bit of a surprise). We remembered our time here with others and sent off a quick email. We didn't expect a quick response as we knew they were traveling where cell/wifi services would be limited. They responded with an email saying they were closer than we expected.

I think this technology a good thing, provided we remember that cell service & wifi connections can be spotty at best. That means when the services are available we rejoice to use them, and when there is no service and we discover old friends at anchor, we rejoice at the surprise all the more.

Blessed Be,

*Larson, Gary. The Chickens Are Restless: a Far Side collection by Gary Larson. Andrews and McMeel, 1993:6.

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