note: Bob Steele photo:
On the way home on Monday I was driving down the Semiahmoo Spit watching the birds, when out of my window, level with my head and traveling in the same direction, was a Northern Harrier hunting. He swooped below a bush, and I lost sight of him, only to ride the thermal back up, turn his head and look straight into my eyes. Then he was back to hunting.
An amazing moment.
Upon looking Harriers up in the bird book and on-line, I find that they are common to this part of Washington, I've just never seen one hunting on the spit before.
At times in my life, especially when struggling to make a decision, I have sometimes looked for signs and omens among the wildlife. Sometimes this proves helpful, sometimes not. But I count it a true gift of grace to have encounters with other earth species.
At this particular moment, I was just basking in the glory of the evening with nothing on my mind.
I found this encounter truly a moment filled with grace and awe.
Lent is a time in which we take a good look at ourselves, to see us as we truly are: as God's beloved, but also in need of some work. It is a time for truly seeing and paying attention and hard work.
During this Lenten Season, may you be graced with moments of awe and wonder.
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