Monday, May 15, 2017

Fr. Matthew Fox's Earth Day Sermon

Fr. Matthew Fox has long been a favorite theologian of mine (which doesn't mean I agree with everything he says). One of the things I appreciate about him is the spiritual component to what he says and teaches. If our goal in life is to continuing opening up to the Divine Presence around and within us, to continue deepening in compassion and justice-making/living, then the head and the heart and the gut all need to work together. Science and the spiritual life are not far apart - they can be very supporting of one another. Which is another piece of what I like about what Fox stresses. When I came across this video of his sermon given on the weekend of Earth Day, 2017, I thought it would be wonderful to share it with you.
Blessed be,

(Fr. Matthew Fox's web-site is here:

Earth Day 2017, Matthew Fox Sermon 4/23/17 from Trinity Cathedral on Vimeo.

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