Monday, October 10, 2016

A Sense of Calling

I've been impressed with the local high school. The staff continue to ask the kids what their 13th year plan is. What do you want to do the year after you graduate? Great question to get kids to start planning and thinking about what they want to do.
With all of our children in High School this year, I've found myself reflecting upon call and vocation. I don't believe that call only applies to ministry, not that pastors are they only ones with this sense of call. All people have it. It's following ones passions.
Every Monday night we have dinner with some dear friends of ours. It is a great opportunity to have an intergenerational gathering. One of our "hosts" is a retired engineer, who consistently speaks of his work as a calling he received at a young age. I also received a call at a relatively young age. But I'm not sure age has anything to do with when one receives a sense of call. I think it more closely corresponds to figuring out what one can't not do.
But I also think that call changes (or has the potential to change) over time. Life isn't static.
I was first drawn to reading Paul Sellers blog because of a work bench I wanted to know more about. But it was his writing that caught my attention. Woodworking is his calling, but so is teaching others (passing down the knowledge). You might enjoy reading, too.
When one is young with lots of interests and passions, thinking about your 13th kor beyond) plan can be a challenge. How do we encourage openness for exploration and dreaming?
Blessed be

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