Monday, August 15, 2016

Another Norwegian Boss Video

No matter what your own personal views on having a drink while boating, the Norwegian NGO AV-OG-TIL ( once again makes the claim that boating is an art form best practiced sober. Last time their video was on docking. This time it is on launching.

If only all launching of boats went so smoothly! Ha!


Blessed be,

PS, I'm not zealous about not drinking while boating. However, the following incident is burned into my memory. About five years ago or so, we were attempting to sail against the current in very little wind. While moving through the water we were stationary over the bottom. The GPS was fining readings of "0.0" "0.01". As we had all our sails up we thought for sure the two folks in red baseball caps in a cute little motor launch saw us. When we first noticed them coming around a point they were a about a mile and a half away. We still weren't moving via GPS, but were holding against the current.  They came closer and closer. Surely they see us. How could they not? But they are not turning. We blew the air horn. No change from them. Suddenly we realized there is nothing we could do, they might just brain themselves on our bowsprit. What would we say to the Coast Guard? I ran forward to the end of the bow spirit. They passed us very close, escaping a braining by about 2 feet. Why had they come so close? We don't know. Standing at the the bow spirit, I asked if they were alright. They were both startled to see me standing above them at the end of a very substantial bowsprint and the fellow pouring wine missed the glass and poured it on the floorboards. Believe it or not, I don't think they saw us. I think they were too busy pouring wine.

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