Monday, May 23, 2016

Reflections on Spiritual Ecology - Week 2

I've started reading Spiritual Ecology: The Cry of the Heart (Llewllyn Vaughn-Lee editor). If the essays continue to spark my thinking as this first one has, I'll be spending some time reflecting upon this work. By the way, I've checked this copy out of our local library and would encourage the same for you.
This is the second week reflecting upon the first essay.

Chief Oren Lyon continues his essay by talking about the spiritual laws of nature and the absolute nature of those laws. For instance, he speaks of the warning signs (i.e. stronger winds) and how hard work is important and how hard work builds character. But he also speaks of the importance of Thanksgiving - the mere process of being thankful, not just at once celebration of the year, but for each and everything. To quote:
We have to do that. We have to be thankful. That's what we said. Two things were told us: To be thankful, so those are our ceremonies, ceremonies of thanksgiving. We built nations around it, and you can do that, too. And the other thing they said was enjoy life. That's a rule, a law - enjoy life - you're supposed to. I know you can only do as much as you can do, and they when you do that, you're supposed to get outside and enjoy life. Don't take yourself so seriously. Do the best you can but get at it. That's the way you and I have community.*
We are to work hard (with thanksgiving) and we are to enjoy life (with thanksgiving). This very much reminds me of the Sabbath Tradition - to take time off from our labor. I think both of these point not only to community (notice we are to enjoy ourselves together) but also remind us to be humble. We do the best that we can, then we let it go for a while, we don't take ourselves so seriously, we trust God.
But what are we here for if it is also not to enjoy ourselves, to enjoy each other, to enjoy the natural world?
Dare we take the time to play?
Dare we give thanksgiving for play?
Can we see play as a type of prayer?

In light with last week, doesn't play help us to continue being well?

So what are you waiting for? Go get out on the water! ;)

Blessed be,

* Lyon, Chief Oren. "Listening to Natural Law." Spiritual Ecology: The Cry of the Earth. Vaughan-Lee, Llewellyn, ed. The Golden Sufi Center, 2013. p.10.

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