Monday, January 18, 2016

Happy MLK, Jr. Day

Happy Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

How are you celebrating? Listening to a sermon/speech? Participating in a march? The work continues and goes on, is ongoing. The Beloved Community is all around us and on-going, ever more expanding. How are you making a difference?

These are questions I find myself asking myself today.

In the process I thought I would share to links to two different articles. In the first, we find a man who has been impacted by King's presence and witness. Rev. Gil Caldwell reflects upon what King's life meant for himself, and how he has continued to witness for justice through his active ministry. The second article is about some cruisers making a difference in the lives of some orphans.

May both of these articles inspire us to bare witness in our own lives in our own ways. May we together continue to impact the world.

Blessed Be,


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