Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Earth Day, 2015

Happy Earth Day.
I hope you are able to enjoy time outside, especially today, in what many theologians regard as the first book, or first Bible (creation itself).
In that light, I share a few quotes from Meister Eckhart. Enjoy.
Blessed be,

All creatures are words of God. My mouth expresses and reveals God but the existence of a stone does the same and people often recognize more from actions than from words. (Sermon 1)

When God is efficacious in the soul, he loves his deed. Now wherever the soul is in which God accomplishes his deed, the deed is so great that this deed is nothing other than love. Again, love is nothing other than God. God loves himself and his nature, his being, and his divinity. In the same love, however, in which God loves himself, he also loves all creatures, not as creatures but he loves the creatures as God. In the same love in which God loves himself, he loves all things.
     Now I shall say something I have never said before. God enjoys himself. In the same enjoyment in which God enjoys himself, he enjoys all creatures. With the same enjoyment with which God enjoys himself, he enjoys all creatures, not as creatures, but he enjoys the creatures as God. In the same enjoyment in which God enjoys himself, he enjoys all things. (Sermon 3)

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