Monday, March 30, 2015

Palm Sunday to Maundy Thursday to Good Friday to Easter

We now find ourselves in Holy Week. Half of John's Gospel take place during this week. Mark, Matthew and Luke all have Jesus' theological "direction" centered around this week (Jesus continues on the road to Jerusalem). We start the week with the crowds cheering the new Messiah and end the week watching with the crowds deriding this Messiah upon the cross - if we haven't been among those shouting for his crucifixion. These powerful gospel stories carry me through the week. Some how, they have me routing for Jesus (even though I know the outcome) while also asking me who I would really stand alongside and support (The crowds? the Jewish aristocratic leadership? The Romans? Who?).

While this is a story about a Jewish man from a backwater town on the edge of an
Empire, it is also about us. In that sense, this story is Archetypal (it applies to us, too). What are we willing to die for? What are our priorities and principles and how do they guide us? How do we continue to open ourselves up to the Divine Mystery's call in our lives? Where do still need to let the Ego die within us to more fully open up to life, to living in a non-dualistic way?

Blessed Be,


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