Monday, January 12, 2015

Remembering Our Baptisms

I find it refreshing (timely?) that in their wisdom the editors of the Revised (and even just) Common Lectionary put the celebration of the Baptism of the Lord toward the beginning of the calendar year. For those of you who weren't aware, this was the text for yesterday.

At the beginning of the calendar year, with new year's resolutions fresh in our minds, we are reminded of the way that through our baptisms God calls us and names us Beloved. What a way to start the year.

In pondering this I am reminded of a story a photo journalist tells about his first day working for National Geographic Magazine. He was called into his directors office and told, "We only hire the best." A pause. "That includes you. So there is no need to prove yourself." A pause. "Each day I expect you to improve. ... and if I ever catch you proving yourself, you're fired."

Did that make you smile a little? If through our baptism we are already God's beloved, then we have no need to try and strive to find that our prove it. Instead we can grow into that love, we can improve our abilities to share that love, to return that love.

What would happen if each time we showered/bathed we remembered or baptism and gave thanks? Imagine the difference in our own lives by this reminder. Imagine the difference in the lives of others.

Blessed be,

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