Monday, October 20, 2014

Thankful for Wisdom

Do you look for Wisdom wherever it might be? I find myself thankful for encounters with Wisdom, especially those unexpected encounters. Take the following as a for instance: I was on retreat mid-week this post week. Pay off the experience was watching a short clip from a National Geographic photographer (Dewitt Jones). He shared to following experience from when he was first hired by National Geographic. [Bear in mind this is my paraphrasing].

The boss of his department asked to see Jones. Jones went to see his boss wondering what this was all about, and what he may have done. In his reflecting, Jones was quite clear that he was pondering how he was going to prove himself worthy of working for the National Geographic. "Jones, the Geographic hires the best photographers in the business. There is no need to go proving yourself. My expectation is that you improve yourself everyday. ... Are we clear? Good. If I ever find out your here to prove yourself, you're fired."

"Not here to prove yourself, but to improve yourself." What wise words. I've been pondering them ever since.

Where are you encountering Wisdom? What has got you pondering? Do you find yourself thankful?

Blessed be


You can watch the film here.

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