Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Breath in the Spirit

Breath in the Spirit of God.
Breath out the Spirit of God.

Be still and know that I am God.
          ~ Psalm 46:10

We have had a very busy month. There is a part of me that always longs for summer to be a break from activities, a time out, a chance to breath, refresh and renew. In part I think this comes from spending so long with an academic calendar.

This summer, due to a number of reasons, I have not had much of a chance to slow down, to breath, to renew. It feels like we have been on the run. I should note that everything has been very worthwhile doing and rewarding in its own way, it is just we have been busy, busy, busy. 

Perhaps you've felt that way, too? Do you find yourself asking,  "It's Monday already?! How did that happen?!"

In times like this I remind myself "Breath. Enjoy the moment. This, too, is what life is about."

May you continue to find ways to enjoy your summer amidst all that life brings. 

Blessed be, 

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