Monday, January 20, 2014

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, 2014

Tell them to beat their swords into plowshares!
And, then tell them to beat their plowshares into musical instruments!
Then, if they want to make war,
they'll have to stop and make plowshares, first.
~ Roger H. Siminoff*
 As sailors, we might add, beat them into stays and shrouds, into gammon irons and turnbuckles, into tiller cheeks and pintles, into ...

On this day in which we celebrate the extraordinary life of a man of faith who lived out his faith in a non-violent protest for the Beloved Kingdom, how are you living out your life as a sign of the Beloved Kingdom around you? How are your dreams taking shape to improve the world around you? What are you learning from the example of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.?

 Blessed Be,


* Siminoff, Roger H. The Luthier's Handbook. Hal Leonard. 2002. dedication page.

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