Monday, October 21, 2013

Season of Graces - Cont.: Trees

During this time of Fall (in the northern hemisphere - Spring in the southern) where the trees are turning color and leave falling (or budding forth) I thought this prayer in thanksgiving of trees rather appropriate.

Blessed Be



Our Father, we thank Thee for Trees! We thank Thee for the trees of our childhood in whose shade we played and read and dreamed; for the trees of our schooldays, the trees along the paths where friendship walked. We thank Thee for special trees which will always stand large in our memory because for some reason of our own they became our trees. We thank Thee for the great stretches of trees which make the forests. May we always stand humbly before Thy trees and draw strengh from them as they, in their turn, draw sustenance from Thy bounties of earth and sun and air.

~ Margueritte Harmon Bro

(Margueritte Harmon Bro was an educational missionary in China from 1919 to 1925 and later was editor of Social Action. She is the author of some twenty-five books on religious subjects.)
Cotner. Graces. (1994) 121.

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