Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Changing Technology

After a period of illness, I'm finally feeling better. Hope you are all staying healthy.
Being sick did mean I was able to get some reading done: some frivolous and some serious (stay tuned, Lent is just around the corner and I'll be reflecting on some of it then). One of the enjoyable books I read was by Marjorie Petersen (STORNOWAY East and West). Marjorie and her husband, Al, sail out of New York in the mid-1950's to as far east as Malta before returning via the Caribbean. Out is a delightful story with no mishaps, just sharing the delights of visiting foreign countries and meeting the people there.
The thing that struck me where the photographs. Less than an eighth (1/8) of the photographs were taken by them. As there is no mention of a camera/film mishap I conclude that they set out without a camera.
How things have changed. Cameras are so pervasive these days: phones even have them, digital ones can be had cheap. It is unheard of that someone would set out without a camera, even to just record the voyage for themselves. Wow. Technology had really changed. Yet there story remained a good reminder that these technological tools and toys are just extra. Their voyage was still a profound voyage for them.
How are your technological advances helping you to see with new eyes the wonders and grace of God?
Blessed Be,

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