Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Universe is God's - Madeleine L'Engle

The Universe is God's
A while ago when I was at Berea College in Kentucky I was asked the usual earnest questions about creationism vs. evolution.
   I laughed and said that I really couldn't get very excited about it. The only question worth asking is whether or not the universe is God's. If the answer is YES! then why get so excited about how? The important thing is that we are God's, created in love. And what about those seven days? In whose time are they? Eastern Standard Time? My daughter in San Francisco lives in a time zone three hours earlier than mine. In Australia, what time is it? Did God create in human time? Solar time? Galactic time? What about God's time? What matter if the first day took a few billennia in our time, and the second day a few billennia more?
   I told the student at Berea that some form of evolution seems consistent with our present knowledge, and that I didn't think that God put the fossil skeletons of fish in the mountains of Nepal to test our faith, as some creationists teach. But if I should find out tomorrow that God's method of creation was something quite different from either creationism or evolution, that would in no way shake my faith, because that is not where my faith is centered.

Madeleine L'Engle. Glimpses of Grace: Daily Thoughts and Reflections. HarperSanFrancisco: 1996. 282-3.

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