Monday, September 10, 2012

Grounding Ourselves in the Sea

To be sure I lose the fruits of the earth,
But then I am gathering the flowers of the Sea.
                              ~ Admiral Boscawen, 1756 

We have some dear friends of ours who "center" or "ground" themselves by playing in the dirt. Helping to watch things grow gives them great delight. It reminds them of their place in the universe and that they are ultimately in charge of very little, and dependent upon a lot. They have a sense of God's grace there.

Being upon the water, especially while cruising, has the same effect upon me. I find I'm centered. I'm reminded about what is really important in life; who I am and whose I am.

Boating and planting on not necessarily uncompilable. There are many similarities between being a farmer and a sailor. But by and large we who spend the summers sailing often don't find the time to tend a garden, too. We "lose the fruits of the earth" but gain "the flowers of the Sea."

As the northern hemisphere autumn season starts upon us, may you find time to center yourself in delightful activities. May they become sources of meditation for you.

Blessed Be,


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