Monday, April 16, 2012

Psalm of the Ressurrection - 2nd Monday in Easter, 2012

On this second Monday in the Easter season, here is another poem by Rev. Edward Hays (Prayers for a Planetary Pilgrim).

May you continue to find Resurrection abounding around you.

Blessed Be.


A Psalm of the Resurrection

Before dawn,
     the great Seder celebration having passed,
     his empty cross awaiting death's next meal,
     into the darkness of his lifeless body
     the finger of God's Spirit
     stirred in slowly spiraling circles
     as once it had moved
     over the deep and empty waters
     about to be pregnant with creation.

From the blast of the birthing
     of ten thousand galaxies,
     Jesus, son of Joseph and Mary
     and son of God,
     exploded outward from his tomb
     in radiant light and love
     to fill the earth and the whole cosmos
     with the fullness of divine life.

Paul of Tarsus penned it well
     in a letter to Ephesian firends:
     "God has put all things under Christ's feet
     and made him head of the Church, his body:
     the fullness of him
     who fills the universe in all its parts."

I look up into the Easter sky,
     beyond the limits of this small galaxy -
     far beyond the boundaries of my mind -
     into the billions of galaxies that glow
     like flaming Easter flowers
     filling the garden of the universe.

Light travels 5,787 trillion miles a year;
     and to cross, just once at the speed of light,
     this universe whose every starry body
     contains the fullness of the Risen Christ
     would take all of twenty billion years.

Oh, beyond comprehension,
     too vast for my little mind,
     is the mystery of the Resurrection,
     is the wonder of the Easter nighttime sky,
     the body of the Risen Christ,
     the whole and holy Church to which I belong.

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