Thursday, April 1, 2010

Holy Day Blog Schedule

On this Maundy Thursday morning, I wanted to share a few thoughts regarding the blog for these coming Holy Days. I'll continue the questions tomorrow, Good Friday, but on Holy Saturday, I will remain silent in waiting. Fr. John Dear continues these questions of Jesus with ten questions Jesus asks after the resurrection. I will post then post these questions one by one starting on Easter.

I hope these questions have been thought provoking for each of us during this season of Lent to examine our own lives to see where God is moving, probing, beckoning us forth. If you want to look more deeply at these questions, and see what Fr. John Dear has written about them, his book is titled: The Questions of Jesus: Challenging Ourselves to Discover Life's Great Answers. Doubleday. 2004

Wishing you a blessed end of Lent and a glorious Easter,


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