Sunday, November 29, 2009

A Wedding is a Great Way to Start Advent

The first part of November brought stronger winds - winds in the highway speed limits. And with the winds have come rain.

Advent is all about waiting, of course. Anxiously waiting. So are outdoor weddings. Especially those to be held on the groom's boat.

Semiahmoo Marina sits on the northwest side of Drayton Harbor near the end of the Semiahmoo spit. Dakota Creek and California Creek wind through the mud-flats at low tide to the south. But the expanse has enough fetch to kick up white-caps when it blows 15-20 kts, and larger swells hit the outer breakwater dock, and the first docks rock and roll in stronger winds. At high tide, there is even more distance for the wind to kick up waves. All of this matters. Especially when pondering the ramifications of an outdoor, onboard, dockside wedding.

And the bride and groom ponder:
What will the weather decide to do? How are we going to adapt? There might be enough room below for the original six guests, but now that the guest list has increased to 12 ... no make that 15 ... scratch that number and add another 10. Ok ... so we're looking at 45 ... no half of Whatcom County! Where to meet? And if there is no wind, but lots of surge ... then what?
As it turns out, the weather holds. Overcast skies, but no rain. Wind steady around the 15 kt range. Not too bad for the end of November. Guests arrive and spread out on the docks. A good 40 plus people come to celebrate this gift of love and commitment. There is room on the docks to see. The bride and groom lovingly gaze at one another while only half-listening to the liturgy - praying through the service in their own public yet private ways. Vows are tenderly proclaimed. Rings slide on cold fingers, momentarily unclasped from partner's hands.

And the Kingdom of God has come near.

Advent is here. This time of expectation of experiencing God's glory coming amongst us.
Advent is here. Hallejula! Amen.

1 comment:

  1. And the rings made the exchange from pastor to bride and groom in the wind!! :>
