Monday, July 6, 2009

Development, is Rampant Necessary?

The end of the school year, Annual Conference and pastoral care with some friends with cancer have keep me away from the on-line world lately. But I've also been busy thinking about Development - of the housing type. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for personal and spiritual development!

In particular I have been thinking through development plans for the Semiahmoo Spit, here in Blaine. Plans are once again underway to develop the land here. The thinking is to place "residence" for another 450 housing "units" while also expanding the marina. In the process, most of the parking is eliminated, and the open space taken over by "housing" (whether this means houses or condos). Now I should mention, that there is a three building condo unit under construction. Unit A is done, Unit B is up, but not sided, and nothing has been done internally. About half the windows are in, the other half are open to the weather. Unit C is still just the foundation. The rumor mills says either that "none" of the units or "only two" of them have sold. But I did see a sign offering 1/4 shares. 

For me this brings the dilemma of property rights vs. long term community rights. And, yes, I'm willing to expand the "community" to include all the living entities that are there. I strongly believe that humans need wild places. I believe that humans are impacted for the worse when we don't have wild places available to us. At the same time, I'd like to say that people have the right to use their property as they wish - within reason. 

But what does "within reason" mean?

To whose detriment?

I do not believe that the capitalistic market economy (or what I've hear others refer to as "consumer capitalism") is the best rubric to making these types of discussions, or even appropriately framing the critical debate. But I do believe in the process of public discourse. I'm well aware of my gifts and my shortcomings. I don't have all the answers. And perhaps you have insights, to share, too.

After all, the Kingdom of God is a community proposition.

Fair winds of Grace - 


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