Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

I hope you have had a good Easter and a chance to worship with a shore side community. If not, I'm posting an Easter service for you to use. Some things I've been thinking about this year:

+ In many ways the Easter morning readings ("At dawn ...") are the women's gospel - in particular, each one includes Mary Magdalene as a key player.

+ The gospel writers are not talking about Resuscitation (the story of Lazarus in John's Gospel is an account of reviving the dead) but a Resurrection. How are we called to live as Resurrection people? Do Resurrection Communities call forth new ways of living prophetically - changing even our society? While I appreciate Kin-dom's gender-neutral language, Kingdom does carry a political implication.

Blessings on this day of Resurrection!


Vesper Easter Service (Hymns are from the United Methodist Hymnal & If you participated in the Tenebrae service of extinguishing lights, you are always welcome to light a candle after each reading - reversing the process)

L: Alleluia! Praise be to God! Christ has risen indeed.
P: We bring our joyful alleluias to this place today!
L: The tomb is empty, and new life hovers in this dawn.
P: We praise God for the mystery and the excitement of new life present in this day!
HYMN “Hail the Day That Sees Him Rise” #312

This is the day, Lord God, that you have made! Raising Christ from the dead, and raising us with Christ, you have fashioned for yourself a new people, washed in the flood of baptism, sealed with the gift of the Spirit, invited to the banquet of the Lamb! In the beauty of this Easter morning, set our minds on the new life to which you have called us; place on our lips the words of witness for which you have anointed us. We ask this through our risen Savior, Christ the Lord. Amen.

1st Account: ~70 AD Mark 16:1-8a

Hymn: “Christ Is Alive” #318 v. 1-3

1st Account - Amended: ~70 AD Mark 16:8b-20

Hymn: “Christ Is Alive” #318 v.4-5

Another Account: ~80-95 AD Matthew 28:1-10

Hymn: “Easter People, Raise Your Voices” #304

Another Account: ~85 AD Luke 24:1-12

Hymn: “Christ the Lord Is Risen Today” #302 v.1-2

Yet Another Two Accounts: ~85 AD Luke 24:13-35

Hymn: “On the Day of Resurrection” #309

Yet Another Account: ~85 AD Luke 24: 36-53

Hymn: “Christ the Lord Is Risen Today” #302 v. 3-4

Another Account: ~80-90 AD John 20:1-18

Hymn: “In the Garden” #314 v.1

Yet Another Account: ~80-90 AD John 20:19-25

Hymn: “Christ Is Risen” #307

Silent Reflection (or Your Account ~2007 AD)

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