Change is an inevitable part of life. As we grow our bodies change. As toddlers, we bonk our heads on counters and tables we could pass underneath the day before. As teenagers, we grow fast enough we don't know where our bodies end. Entering mid-ages our hair turns a different color and becomes sparse (if we continue to have any).
But perhaps we don't expect the world around us to change all that much. After all, what is our four score and ten in the geologic timeframe?
When we started this ministry of Winds of Grace, one of my family's favorite activities was looking to see what we'd find at low tide. In particular, we'd marvel at the purple sea stars on the pilings. We'd even shake our heads at an empty crab pot, save for a huge orange sea star that was still eating our bait.
Last year or so I read about the wasting disease affecting the sea stars in the Pacific Ocean. At the time, scientists didn't know what was causing the problem.
This year, since about February, we haven't seen any of our sea star friends. Have you?
With concern, but still sending blessings your way,