God laughed and brought forth Jesus. Jesus laughed and brought forth the Holy Spirit. All three laughed and brought forth us."
(Meister Eckhart in Elder Wisdom by Eugene Bianchi)
The Christmas Eve service has always been one of my favorite services, in part, because of the delightful expressions seen behind the flames of the candles. In this time of deep darkness, when the Northern Hemisphere is just past her longest night, we celebrate light coming into the world.
This year, however, many of us in western Washington are home bound due to the weather. So I offer here a copy of the services I have used in the past. May this liturgy continue to bring you the wonderment and laughter of the season.
- Joel
Leader: Christ is born; give him glory!
People: Christ has come down from heaven; receive him! Christ is now on earth; exalt him!
Leader: O you earth, sing to the Lord!
People: O you nations, praise him in joy, for he has been glorified!
(Traditional Byzantine Christmas Prayer, alt.)
Send, O God, into the darkness of this troubled world, the light of your Son. Let the star of your hope touch the minds of all people with the bright beams of mercy and truth; and so direct our steps that we may ever walk in the way revealed to us, to the manger where he dwelled, who now and ever reigns in our hearts, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Send, O God, into the darkness of this troubled world, the light of your Son. Let the star of your hope touch the minds of all people with the bright beams of mercy and truth; and so direct our steps that we may ever walk in the way revealed to us, to the manger where he dwelled, who now and ever reigns in our hearts, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
(John Suter, USA, 20th Cent., Alt)
HYMN: "O Come, All Ye Faithful" #234 (v. 1, 3 & 6)*
Lighting of the Advent Candles and Christ Candle
Scripture: Isaiah 42: 1-4
Hymn: “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel” #211 (v 1-4)
Scripture: Luke 1: 26-35, 38
Hymn: “To a Maid Engaged to Joseph” #215 (v 1, 2, 6)
Scripture: John 1: 1-5, 14
Hymn: “O Little Town of Bethlehem” #230
Scripture: Luke 2: 1-7
Hymn: “Away in a Manger” #217
Scripture: Luke 2: 8-12
Hymn: “The First Noel” #245 (vs. 1-2)
Scripture: Luke 2: 13-14
Hymn: “It Came Upon the Midnight Clear” #218
Scripture: Luke 2: 15-20
Hymn: “Angels We Have Heard on High” #238
Scripture: Isaiah 42: 1-4
Hymn: “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel” #211 (v 1-4)
Scripture: Luke 1: 26-35, 38
Hymn: “To a Maid Engaged to Joseph” #215 (v 1, 2, 6)
Scripture: John 1: 1-5, 14
Hymn: “O Little Town of Bethlehem” #230
Scripture: Luke 2: 1-7
Hymn: “Away in a Manger” #217
Scripture: Luke 2: 8-12
Hymn: “The First Noel” #245 (vs. 1-2)
Scripture: Luke 2: 13-14
Hymn: “It Came Upon the Midnight Clear” #218
Scripture: Luke 2: 15-20
Hymn: “Angels We Have Heard on High” #238
Prayers of the People**
Celebrating the birth that brings grace and salvation to all, let us place before God our needs and those of the whole world.
Celebrating the birth that brings grace and salvation to all, let us place before God our needs and those of the whole world.
As we pray FOR THE CHURCH wherever it is in the world
- For the church here and throughout the world, that our worship and praise may give glory to You, O God, and our witness and ministry promote peace on earth.
- For peoples of every race and nation, that the celebration of the birth of You, the Prince of Peace, may encourage a new birth of righteousness and justice.
- For those bowed down by injustice or despair, that Your power, the power of God, and the zeal of Your servants may break the rod of oppression and lift the yoke of life’s burdens.
- For refugees and aliens, for homeless people and unwed mothers, that in them we may see the image of Mary and Joseph, and recognize Your face, O Christ.
- For family and friends near and far, for the hospitalized and homebound, that the good news of Christmas may be for all who are dear to us the end of darkness and fear, the dawn of light and joy.
- For this assembly, that by Your grace – the grace of Christ’s coming – may live upright and godly lives, and bear witness to our blessed hope for Your, Our Savior’s, glorious return.
- The Word became flesh and dwelled among us, that as children of God we might dare to pray: OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN . . .
Passing the Light
Hymn: “Silent Night, Holy Night” #239
Proclamation: Isaiah 9: 2-4, 6-7
Hymn: “Joy to the World” #246
Passing the Light
Hymn: “Silent Night, Holy Night” #239
Proclamation: Isaiah 9: 2-4, 6-7
Hymn: “Joy to the World” #246
Rejoicing in Emmanuel, God-is-with-us, go in peace to love and serve the Lord.
Rejoicing in Emmanuel, God-is-with-us, go in peace to love and serve the Lord.
* These are the hymn/page numbers in the United Methodist Hymnal
** Prayers of the People are adapted from Peter Scagnelli's Prayers: Year B.